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Variables in JS


In programming, a variable is a container for a value. You can think of variables as little containers for information that live in a computer’s memory. Information stored in variables, such as a username, account number, or even personalized greeting can then be found in memory.

Variables also provide a way of labeling data with a descriptive name, so our programs can be understood more clearly by the reader and ourselves.

In short, variables label and store data in memory. There are only a few things you can do with variables:

  1. Create a variable with a descriptive name.
  2. Store or update information stored in a variable.
  3. Reference or “get” information stored in a variable.

It is important to distinguish that variables are not values; they contain values and represent them with a name. Observe the diagram with the colored boxes. Each box represents variables; the values are represented by the content, and the name is represented with the label.

In this lesson, we will cover how to use the varlet, and const keywords to create variables.

There were a lot of changes introduced in the ES6 version of JavaScript in 2015. One of the biggest changes was two new keywords, let and const, to create, or declare, variables. Prior to the ES6, programmers could only use the var keyword to declare variables.

var myName'Arya';
// Output: Arya

Let’s consider the example above:

  1. var, short for variable, is a JavaScript keyword that creates, or declares, a new variable.
  2. myName is the variable’s name. Capitalizing in this way is a standard convention in JavaScript called camel casing. In camel casing you group words into one, the first word is lowercase, then every word that follows will have its first letter uppercased. (e.g. camelCaseEverything).
  3. = is the assignment operator. It assigns the value ('Arya') to the variable (myName).
  4. 'Arya' is the value assigned (=) to the variable myName. You can also say that the myName variable is initialized with a value of 'Arya'.
  5. After the variable is declared, the string value 'Arya' is printed to the console by referencing the variable name: console.log(myName).

There are a few general rules for naming variables:

  • Variable names cannot start with numbers.
  • Variable names are case sensitive, so myName and myname would be different variables. It is bad practice to create two variables that have the same name using different cases.
  • Variable names cannot be the same as keywords. For a comprehensive list of keywords check out MDN’s keyword documentation.

In the next exercises, we will learn why ES6’s let and const are the preferred variable keywords by many programmers. Because there is still a ton of code written prior to ES6, it’s helpful to be familiar with the pre-ES6 var keyword.

If you want to learn more about var and the quirks associated with it, check out the MDN var documentation.

As mentioned in the previous exercise, the let keyword was introduced in ES6. The let keyword signals that the variable can be reassigned a different value. Take a look at the example:

let meal'Enchiladas';
console.log(meal); // Output: Enchiladas
console.log(meal); // Output: Burrito

Another concept that we should be aware of when using let (and even var) is that we can declare a variable without assigning the variable a value. In such a case, the variable will be automatically initialized with a value of undefined:

let price;
console.log(price); // Output: undefined
console.log(price); // Output: 350

Notice in the example above:

  • If we don’t assign a value to a variable declared using the let keyword, it automatically has a value of undefined.
  • We can reassign the value of the variable.

The const keyword was also introduced in ES6, and is short for the word constant. Just like with var and let you can store any value in a const variable. The way you declare a const variable and assign a value to it follows the same structure as let and var. Take a look at the following example:

const myName'Gilberto';
console.log(myName); // Output: Gilberto

However, a const variable cannot be reassigned because it is constant. If you try to reassign a const variable, you’ll get a TypeError.

Constant variables must be assigned a value when declared. If you try to declare a const variable without a value, you’ll get a SyntaxError.

If you’re trying to decide between which keyword to use, let or const, think about whether you’ll need to reassign the variable later on. If you do need to reassign the variable use let, otherwise, use const.

Let’s consider how we can use variables and math operators to calculate new values and assign them to a variable. Check out the example below:

let w4;

console.log(w); // Output: 5

In the example above, we created the variable w with the number 4 assigned to it. The following line, w = w + 1, increases the value of w from 4 to 5.

Another way we could have reassigned w after performing some mathematical operation on it is to use built-in mathematical assignment operators. We could re-write the code above to be:

let w4;
w += 1;

console.log(w); // Output: 5

In the second example, we used the += assignment operator to reassign w. We’re performing the mathematical operation of the first operator + using the number to the right, then reassigning w to the computed value.

We also have access to other mathematical assignment operators: -=*=, and /= which work in a similar fashion.

let x20;
x -= 5; // Can be written as x = x - 5
console.log(x); // Output: 15

let y50;
y *= 2; // Can be written as y = y * 2
console.log(y); // Output: 100

let z8;
z /= 2; // Can be written as z = z / 2
console.log(z); // Output: 4

In previous exercises, we assigned strings to variables. Now, let’s go over how to connect, or concatenate, strings in variables.

The + operator can be used to combine two string values even if those values are being stored in variables:

let myPet'armadillo';
console.log('I own a pet 'myPet'.');
// Output: 'I own a pet armadillo.'

In the example above, we assigned the value 'armadillo' to the myPet variable. On the second line, the + operator is used to combine three strings: 'I own a pet', the value saved to myPet, and '.'. We log the result of this concatenation to the console as:

I own a pet armadillo.

In the ES6 version of JavaScript, we can insert, or interpolate, variables into strings using template literals. Check out the following example where a template literal is used to log strings together:

const myPet'armadillo';
console.log(`I own a pet ${myPet}.`);
// Output: I own a pet armadillo.

Notice that:

  • a template literal is wrapped by backticks ` (this key is usually located on the top of your keyboard, left of the 1 key).
  • Inside the template literal, you’ll see a placeholder, ${myPet}. The value of myPet is inserted into the template literal.
  • When we interpolate `I own a pet ${myPet}.`, the output we print is the string: 'I own a pet armadillo.'

One of the biggest benefits to using template literals is the readability of the code. Using template literals, you can more easily tell what the new string will be. You also don’t have to worry about escaping double quotes or single quotes.

While writing code, it can be useful to keep track of the data types of the variables in your program. If you need to check the data type of a variable’s value, you can use the typeof operator.

The typeof operator checks the value to its right and returns, or passes back, a string of the data type.

const unknown1'foo';
console.log(typeof unknown1); // Output: string

const unknown210;
console.log(typeof unknown2); // Output: number

const unknown3true;
console.log(typeof unknown3); // Output: boolean

Let’s break down the first example. Since the value unknown1 is 'foo', a string, typeof unknown1 will return 'string'.

Nice work! This lesson introduced you to variables, a powerful concept you will use in all your future programming endeavors.

Let’s review what we learned:

  • Variables hold reusable data in a program and associate it with a name.
  • Variables are stored in memory.
  • The var keyword is used in pre-ES6 versions of JS.
  • let is the preferred way to declare a variable when it can be reassigned, and const is the preferred way to declare a variable with a constant value.
  • Variables that have not been initialized store the primitive data type undefined.
  • Mathematical assignment operators make it easy to calculate a new value and assign it to the same variable.
  • The + operator is used to concatenate strings including string values held in variables.
  • In ES6, template literals use backticks ` and ${} to interpolate values into a string.
  • The typeof keyword returns the data type (as a string) of a value.


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