Vue Data Data Now that our Vue app is hooked up to our HTML, we are ready to generate and display dynamic data. As discussed in Introduction to Vue, displaying and updating dynamic data for users is essential functionality for most front-ends. Most values on the web can change at any moment, such as the number of likes on a post or the current set of posts to display. We call constantly-changing data values like this dynamic data . We need a place to store dynamic data values so that we can still use them in our HTML even when we don’t know what their values will be at any given moment. There are many different ways to do this in Vue. The simplest way is the data property on the options object. The value of data is an object. Each key-value pair in this object corresponds to a piece of data to be displayed in the template. The key is the name of the data to use in the template and the value is the value to display when the template is rendered. We then use mustache sy...
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