Data Types In C# or Java, You need to declare a variable specify them integer, string, and decimal. But in Python no need to specify. We can declare variables like Example: C# or Java int age = 28; string Name = "Siddhu"; Example: Python age = 28 Name = "Siddhu" So, you don't need to declare variable types in python. This is an advantage in Python, But still have few Disadvantages too. Example: In my Python function def add_numbers(x,y): print(x+y) add_numbers(20,50) //Output: 70 add_numbers(20,"Something") //Error:"Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/siddhartha.e/PycharmProjects/siddhu-py/", line 8, in add_numbers(50,"Something") File "C:/Users/siddhartha.e/PycharmProjects/siddhu-py/", line 4, in add_numbers print(a + b) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'" ...
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