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Sending data from routes to views

Sending data from routes to views

for a quick understanding of routes

Like I said, all the examples will quickly recall what you understood on Laravel. These examples are very basic and I have also provided the correspond pictures.

Laravel routes file located at routes\web.php

Sending simple string from route to URL. 

// Example of sending simple string to views
Route::get('/string_example', function () {
    return "Siddhu first laravel application";
The image shows the output

Laravel begginer

Laravel simple string sending to URL from routes
At the same time send basic array

// Example of sending array data to views
Route::get('/array_example', function () {
    return ["Laravel","PHP","MySQL"];
Laravel simple array sending to URL from routes

sending simple array to URL. you can notice here, Laravel by default converting array to JSON format. 

// Example of sending array data to views
Route::get('/json_example', function () {
    return ["framework"=>"Laravel","server"=>"PHP","db"=>"MySQL"];
Laravel simple json sending to URL from routes

Checking case-sensitive. Yeah why not clear my doubt, Perhaps may be it work.

// case-senstive test => failed if we call with "case_senstive"
Route::get('/case_SENSTIVE', function () {
    return "Case setive test of URL";
It's give me a 404 error. When I call with all small letters like (

 * Passing data to URL  (GET request) wildcard example
 * ex:
 * ex:
 * ex:
 * this part  {post} called wildcard
 * wildcard must be pass on function
Route::get('/test/{post}', function($post){
       return view('test',["name"=>$post]);
Here I'm sending the wildcard {post} parameter. You can print the parameter in your view file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <p>All view files are located at resources folder in laravel</p>
    <p>This view getting data from Routes.</p>
    <p>Pass name parameter on get request.</p>
     <p>My name is: {{$name}}</p>
Laravel view file example

Let's take blog as example, Now I'm going to show an example of real usage without database connection

 *  Let's take a small example of blog posts
 *  Just assume some static data getting from DB ($posts)
 *  in this case you call url blog/my-first-post
 *  if posts are not available the redirect to 404
 *  abort() laravel function
 * */
    $posts =
        "my-first-post" => "Hello, This is my first blog post using laravel",
        "my-second-post" => "Hello, This is my second blog post using laravel",

    if (!array_key_exists($post,$posts)) {
        abort(404,"Ohh Sorry! This post not avaialble");

    return view('blog',["blog"=>$posts[$post]]);

You can set names for your route.

For Ex:

Route::get('/about_us', function () {
    return view('about_us');

// above route we call in URL
// Now we can set a name for route

Route::get('/about_us', function () {
    return view('about_us');

So in menu we can call this 

<li><a href="{{ route('about') }}">About</a></li>


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