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Create MySQL tables

Create MySQL tables

Creating MySQL database tables from Laravel

To follow Laravel standards, We should create a table using Laravel artisan commands. It will help to other teammates automatically update database changes just with one command. To create a table use below command.

php artisan make:migration create_yourTableName_table

It will create a table and you can also check the migrate files in the below path


Let's create sample table name called "posts"

php artisan make:migration create_posts_table

Creating "posts" Table

After run this command, Migration file will be created. you can check the migration folder

Migration file

Let's add some columns in the posts table
public function up()
        Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
before running migration, Let's see the MySQL database

Before running migrate

After running migration php artisan migrate


It will add some default Laravel migrations also, now check at database

posts table created

columns are added

Suppose If I want to add another column to the "posts" table. Like 'title' column.

In this case, you can simple run the migration command
php artisan make:migration add_title_to_posts_table

Creates one more migration file

Migration file

As discussed it creates one more migration file, now we need to add our "title" column here as well as we need to write down() method for drop the changes.

Add title column

run the migrate command again

Title column added

Will do this kind of approach if your project is on production. otherwise you can add "title" in "posts" migration file directly. 

At the same way if want to undo the last migration. You can run
php artisan migrate:rollback

Undo the last migration

Now you can add the "title" column directly to "posts" migration file.

"title" column added at "posts" migration file.

But here, After add the "title" column in "posts" migration file. And run the 

php artisan migrate

Nothing to migrate

it will run nothing, Because that migration file already read. so you need to rollback all tables once again.
php artisan migrate:rollback

Rollback all tables

and again need to run the command
php artisan migrate

now it will create all tables once again.

Note: every time you do this, all table data will be deleted.
Important: so that's when you are in production, you will be careful with this actions
So now, if you refresh MySQL tables, all tables are created.

All tables are created with my additional "title" column

In the second approach, You can run the 
php artisan migrate:fresh

this command will drop all the tables and create new fresh tables
Created all tables


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