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Top 20 LinkedIn Tips to Boost Engagement

Are you looking to grow your business profile (or) expand your personal network? LinkedIn is the best platform. It is also can help you raise brand awareness and boost traffic to your business

But, most people are using LinkedIn by copy and paste their blog posts for promotion. It’s a wrong and not the way to generate engagement/leads/sales.
In this post, i will provide the best tips by experts to boost LinkedIn engagement.

Before going to that, look at why LinkedIn is powerful platform for your business.

Why LinkedIn Engagement is valuable

LinkedIn is the most popular and professional social networking site. Especially for B2B business (or) other professionals in a specific industry, it could be the ideal platform for growing your business.

In the past, LinkedIn has discounted as a worthwhile platform due to lack of active users- for example in 2017, LinkedIn have 500 million members and 50% of them were active at least monthly. It was the actual significant improvement past year activity levels.

In 2018, LinkedIn made drastic changes to both the user experience on its platform & algorithm and those are the significant spikes in user activity.
Furthermore, Microsoft also reported that “LinkedIn revenue increased 33% with record levels of engagement”

Final conclusion is that LinkedIn is experiencing strong upward trends in both its user activity and content engagement to make it even more worthwhile platform to embrace.

1. Make use of your personal profile
In present scenario, personal profiles are dominating the company pages.
Company pages are valuable and they can provide  more information about your business rather than personal profile so link out to your homepage  and the ways that you can boost the visibility of your company page.
People are mostly like to follow personal profiles than a brand
It means you should be posting from your engagement your personal profile for maximum engagement.

2. Updating your Profile Regularly
It is an easy thing but forget to update your LinkedIn profile when you have mastered a new skill (or) started a new position at work. However, outdated information doesn’t give a good impression.
If you don’t keep your information updates, you will lose the chances of relevant search results. For example ...people may search by
·        Industry
·        Company
·        Location
·        Job position
Be sure to update your profile with new accomplishments, skills and job descriptions

3. Use high quality photos
LinkedIn is for business professionals so professional appearance is crucial. For this reason, need to use high quality photos in profile photos as well as cover photo.
In LinkedIn there are two categories of photos
·        Your Headshot
·        Background Photo
Invest high quality & professional looking photos. Background images can help you communicate your brand & show your valuable information.

 4. Craft compelling content
You have to follow the 3 rules
Clearly communicate your brand story & value
Use keywords to show up in relevant search results
Providing value for people who find it
LinkedIn headline is important so make it clean & effective

5. Proofread every word & sentence
You have many apps for proofreading like Grammerly, pro writing Air, white smoky, ginger etc

6. Make URL user-friendly

 Customize URL makes easier to people link and search.

7. Optimize for mobile character limits          

Make everything on your profile including images and videos still function and look good on the mobile app

8. Turn Viewers to Followers
In LinkedIn When strangers are come across your profile they likely to follow you than cannot with you. In order to change your default CTA button on your profile to ‘Follow’ instead of ‘Connect.’

 9. Highlight your skills

Here you have number of optional sections that you can use to pad your profile. These are:
  • Languages spoken
  • Volunteer work
  • Honors and awards
  • Patents you hold
  • Causes you care about
  • And many more
Adding these details to your profile creates new opportunities for people to connect with you

10. Get recommended
Recommended from anyone can you established and credible professional contacts and past clients to recommend you.
Target at least 4-5 recommendations from influencers &established professionals. If you receive poor recommendations it doesn’t show your skills.

11. Improve your network by seeking connections

For every first degree connection you add you will instantly gain hundreds of 2nd-degree connections and thousands of 3rd-degree connections.

A few tips on finding relevant connections:
  • Find people in your email contact lists
  • Join LinkedIn groups allows you to connect with anyone in the group
  • Connect with anyone who engages or content you are mentioned in

12.   Optimize your posts
Here you can post content directly on LinkedIn by following
  1. Posts - this is short content, such as status updates and quick shares
  2. Videos - you can directly upload video files to LinkedIn
  3. Articles - LinkedIn Publisher enables you to publish long-form articles
Here the reasons behind why personal profiles get more views  and greater engagement.
1.   You will not send connection requests or personal messages from business page
2.   You cant use LinkedIn publisher from a business page
One of the biggest mistakes is sharing links to external articles or websites Instead of including a link in your post as in the first comment.
In 2017, Guy Kawasaki ran an A/B test on two posts:- one had the link in the post, the other had it in the first comment. Finally, The second one had 3x as many view compared to first one
See the below image for more understanding.
In first image have link mentioned in first comment, but second image have link. So here first have more views than second

13 - Publish native videos
From above point, external links don’t perform well. Videos can uploaded directly to LinkedIn will perform better than sharing external videos such as ones from YouTube.

14 - Include articles in your content plan

You can also work more external links into an article without getting punished by the algorithm - in fact, Publisher posts are a great way to offer lead magnets and execute lead generation on LinkedIn.

15 - Engage with others

Liking and commenting on other people’s posts can boost your own engagement in two ways:
  1. New connections by providing a valuable or thought-provoking comment   could lead to them connecting with you.
  2. People love to reciprocate by more you like and comment on the posts of others; the more likely they will return the action.

16 - Be consistent

LinkedIn’s feed algorithm promotes those who post frequently. Most advice suggests at least 1–2 times per day.
LinkedIn recommends consistently sharing content 3-4 times a day.
But remember: this has to be high quality, valuable content.

17 - Join groups

Joining groups can help establish your credibility as an industry leader and   it’s a unique opportunity to connect with people in your audience.

18 - Use hashtags

A few years ago, the LinkedIn had stated that hashtags were of no use, but that has changed. Now hashtags are searchable, and can significantly increase the visibility of your posts.

19 - Embrace influencers

It creates a huge opportunity for leveraging influencers having one influencer comment on a post can lead to thousands of new people becoming aware of you and your business.


20 - Invest in ads

Investing in LinkedIn ads can help boost engagement. You can sponsor your content for greater visibility or deliver personalized ads directly to people’s inboxes.


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