At times, you may have faced problem in finding the solution where you have date&time as input and should check whether the date falls on Weekend, Holiday or Weekday & the time is between Business hours or Non-business hours.
Here is a code snippet to find the input(i.e date and time) comes under Holiday, Weekend, Business Hours and Non-Business Hours.
Here is a code snippet to find the input(i.e date and time) comes under Holiday, Weekend, Business Hours and Non-Business Hours.
# Getting Workday Type
# Suppose I consider the date with time 2018-12-25 19:28:00
# You need to find out this date&time among the list of the Business hour, Non-business hour, Weekends, And Holidays
# Holidays list & Weekdays are in Array
# Consider Business works 9:00 AM to 6:00PM
$holidays = ['01-01-2018','25-12-2018','10-07-2019','15-08-2019'];
$weekdays = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; //['mon','tue','wed','thu','fri']
$input_date = '2018-12-25 19:28:00'; //'YYYY-MM-DD h:i:s'
$business_start_time = "09:00";
$business_end_time = "18:00";
$type = "";
#1st check Holiday or not
$dt = new DateTime($input_date);
$date = $dt->format('d-m-Y');
$type = "Holiday";
#2nd Check week end or not
$wk_no = date("w", strtotime($input_date)); //["0"=>"sun","1"=>"mon"....."6"=>"sat"]
if(($wk_no == 0 || $wk_no == 6) && $type != "Holiday" && !in_array($wk_no,$weekdays))
$type = "Weekend";
#3rd Check work day even weekend also working day or not
if(in_array($wk_no,$weekdays) && $type != "Weekend" && $type != "Holiday")
$type = "Working day";
#4th Condition check Business hour or non-business hour
$begin = date("H:i", strtotime($business_start_time)); // gives 24 format
$end = date("H:i", strtotime($business_end_time));
$now = date("H:i", strtotime($input_date));
if (($now >= $begin && $now <= $end) && $type == "Working day")
$type = "business hour";
else if($type == "Weekend")
$type = "Weekend";
else if($type == "Holiday")
$type = "Holiday";
$type = "Non-business hour";
echo $type."
//OUTPUT: Holiday
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