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What are the differences between Angular Js, Angular 2 and Angular 4?

 Angular Js was introduced in 2010 as a javascript framework for building client applications So it came into popularity. And angular team started adding new features to the core. But the framework is designed with needs up to date applications in might plus it was overly complex. So, the Angular team decided to write the original framework using typescript. As a result, Angular 2 came out in may 2016.

    This new version entirely different from angular 1. This made a lot of developers unhappy 😕.  Because numerous applications built with Angular 1. Each application over a few thousand lines of code has to be written. So Angular Team took typescript. Now, this is a much better framework and it is easier & very clear to understand to work with.  After a few minor upgrades in Angular 2 such as 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, a sudden update came into existence i.e Angular 4.Again all developers got confused 😞 including me. Then what happened to Angular 3 😨. We thought we missed out something really big here. But unlike Angular 2,  Angular 4 was not a new framework with a lot of brake changes. In fact, it wasn't even a major upgrade but a minor change in a few different libraries that are distributed as separate node packages.

        Example :
        Angular Libraries released like
            Angular/core            --> 2.3.0
            Angular/compiler     --> 2.3.0
            Angular/http             --> 2.3.0
            Angular/router          --> 3.3.0
               All these libraries released version are the same except the router library. So in order to align this version and avoid confusion in the future, Angular Team decided to go straight to Angular version 4 😊
            So, it is not a major upgrade to Angular 2 and you can think of it as Angular 2.4. To avoid all the confusion in the community about the updates, the team decided to drop the version suffix and simply call the framework Angular. There are no terms such as Angular 4 developer and Angular 2 developer, we simply call Angular Developer 😊. So now we have two kinds:  Angular and Angularjs where the first generation of AngularJS is written in JavaScript and it's going to die sooner or later 😞😢


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