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AngularJS - Directives

First, we have to learn AngularJs directives, Directives are simple special attributes in HTML. It has own set of built-in directives which offers functionality to your applications.

To check all directive list

 For example, I take ng-app, ng-modelng-init and ng-bind.

 First will talk about the ng-app directive, the ng-app directive is initializing the AngularJS application. To take the values of all HTML inputs (input, radio, select and textarea) we use the ng-model.

    ng-bind is print the expression. we can also be written inside double braces: {{ expression }}.

AngularJS - Directives Example 1

 Note: All these directives are work in inside the ng-app closed tag. you can assign ng-app directive to any tag. like <HTML>, <DIV>, <SPAN> but make sure initialize the main parent tag.

    Now, We can check data initializes before page load. For this, we can use the directive ng-init. The ng-init directive initializes application data.

    You have noticed that in example 1 there is "NaN", Because of the ng-bind directive. doesn't has the value when page load.

AngularJS - Directives Example 2 


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